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  • little dog

    Michelle Patterson

    Your training course has been a big help to me in training our puppy Tiffany. I wish I would have known about the course earlier. Originally, we attempted to train her in a manner similar to our other dogs and we were having problems. Once I purchased your course and read through module#1 titled “The Little-Known Secrets Behind How to Housebreak Your Dog Quickly and Easily”, I was able to housebreak Tiffany in less than a week. She now consistently goes outside to “do her duty” and… the whole family is happier. It was especially helpful for us to understand her thought process and why she was doing what she was doing. I can’t wait to read the techniques and secrets offered in Module#2! Tiffany and I and the rest of my family cannot thank you enough for sharing this wealth of knowledge with us.

  • dog

    Karen Maloney

    Because of Elite Dog Club we were able to keep our puppy. Riley was three months old when she came to live with us--an adorable ball of fur. We quickly learned that all of us, Riley and ourselves, needed help if she was to remain with us. She was intelligent, frisky and stubborn. We looked for help with jumping on people and on the table and play biting that hurt. Your training course helped us in all areas with immediate results. The videos were hands-on and the printed material gave us direction for the present and future. However, the phone calls from your experts that gave personal response and specific suggestions enabled improved behavior immediately. Now Riley shows marked improvement in all the areas of concern. Thank you, Elite Dog Club! I would recommend it to anyone who is a dog owner!